A Planned Environment: Professional Questions


  • As children continue to show an interest in mixing colours can we offer a range of experiences in which they can mix, make marks and then explore print?
  • Can we ensure all groups of children have the opportunity to role play the story of The Three Little Pigs?
  • If we provided straws and additional Kapla will children create homes for The Three Little Pigs and test their strength?
  • Children have really enjoyed accessing the Sensory Studio to make music and move in response to music, can we ensure it is accessible at least once each session and notice how the play develops in that space?
  • Can we ensure all groups have had the opportunity to take part in a physical challenge in the outside space over the coming weeks?
  • Can we provide time for key workers to observe children take part in music and dance and respond to ‘We’re Going on a Lion Hunt’ ?