9th January 2019 – A Planned Environment – Professional Questions

* Which groups of children work together in a collaborative way in the Atelier space?

* Where is spontaneous mathematical enquiry occurring in the Nursery environment?

* Which children are noticing change in the Nursery environment?

* Are the children thinking of their own ideas in their play in the Nursery environment?

* How will the children respond to the new group of children starting in Main Nursery?

* How can we encourage the children to share the rules and routines of Nursery with our new children?

* How can we support children in identifying their feelings and help them to manage their feelings in a positive way?

What’s new in Main Nursery from 9th January 2019.

* New coloured mats have been introduced into each group space.

* Dinosaur small world resources have been added to the outdoor classroom.

* Smaller tubes and connecting joints have been added to the large sand pit to allow the children to continue to explore the properties of dry sand.