A Planned Environment: Professional Questions 29th November 2018

* Will the introduction of the Advent bags support number recognition and any further mathematical enquiry?

* With Christmas festivities taking place in the local community and Christmas traditions starting at home, are the children talking about their experiences with adults and each other?

* How will children respond to the opportunity to work with paints on a three dimensional scale?

* What learning will this painting opportunity lead to?

* Are the children thinking of their own ideas in their play in the Nursery environment?

* Are children ‘noticing’ change in the weather on their way to school and in the outdoor environment?

* If we introduce another Traditional Tale, The Three Little Pigs, will the children be inspired to create their own structures and test their strength?

* Can the children make links with the Three Little Pigs story, thinking of ways to move and travel like the pigs and the wolf in music and movement with Lizzy?

* Following the children’s interest in writing letters, can we provide paper and a post box in the graphic classroom?

What’s new in Main Nursery from 29th November 2018.

* An assortment of seasonal books and stories will be provided for the children to read and share.

* As the build up to Christmas begins, the children will encouraged to talk about and share their experiences.

* Cardboard boxes of various sizes will be introduced in the creative area for the children to work on with paints in a three dimensional way.

* As Advent begins, Advent bags will be introduced to encourage number recognition and counting.

* Cards and a post box will be added to the graphic classroom following the children’s interest in writing letters and cards.