A Planned Environment: Professional Questions 2017 – From 30th November 2017

  • How will children respond to the opportunity to work with paints on a three dimensional scale?
  • What learning will this painting opportunity lead to?
  • Which children are able to use scissors effectively for cutting and which children need support?
  • Are children ‘noticing’ changes in their environment?
  • Do children show an awareness of their own and others safety in the outdoor area?
  • With Christmas festivities taking place in the local community and Christmas traditions starting at home, are the children talking about their experiences with adults and each other?
  • Children are requesting to share stories with adults during the session – is there a pattern to the timings of this and which children are they?
  • With the introduction of colour group post boxes will the children be encouraged to write cards for each other?
  • Will the introduction of the Advent bags support number recognition and any further mathematical enquiry?
  • How will children respond to the change of size of blocks in the construction area?