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The new Chief Medical Officer Physical Activity Guidelines released September 2019

The new Chief Medical Officer Physical Activity Guidelines were released this week and the message couldn’t be any clearer. Moving more increases confidence, mood, health, opportunities, quality of sleep, improved behaviour. Whether a child or an adult, break up periods of inactivity and MOVE MORE!

‘If physical activity we’re a drug, we would refer to it as a miracle cure, due to the great many illnesses it can prevent and help treat’ (Lizzy Williams, Dance and Music Lead Teacher at Kenilworth Nursery School)


Ongoing petition to urge the Government to take action to ensure maintained nursery schools are financially sustainable

We’ve had wonderful support from existing and former parents and carers in signing this ongoing petition to urge the Government to take action to ensure maintained nursery schools are financially sustainable. If you feel you can help by signing the petition then please click on this link. With thanks in advance for your support.

A Planned Environment: Professional Questions 16th January 2019

* Which groups of children work together in a collaborative way in the Atelier space?

* Where is spontaneous mathematical enquiry occurring in the Nursery environment?

* Where are boys using language in the Nursery environment?

* Which children are noticing change in the Nursery environment?

* How can we support children in identifying their feelings and help them to manage their feelings in a positive way?

* If we introduce corn flour as a new sensory resource, what language will the children use to describe their experiences?

* Can we encourage more spontaneous mark making in the outdoor classroom by providing large paper to work on?

* How will the children respond to a new provocation on the mark making table in the graphic classroom? What’s new in Main Nursery from 16th January 2019.

9th January 2019 – A Planned Environment – Professional Questions

* Which groups of children work together in a collaborative way in the Atelier space?

* Where is spontaneous mathematical enquiry occurring in the Nursery environment?

* Which children are noticing change in the Nursery environment?

* Are the children thinking of their own ideas in their play in the Nursery environment?

* How will the children respond to the new group of children starting in Main Nursery?

* How can we encourage the children to share the rules and routines of Nursery with our new children?

* How can we support children in identifying their feelings and help them to manage their feelings in a positive way?

What’s new in Main Nursery from 9th January 2019.

* New coloured mats have been introduced into each group space.

* Dinosaur small world resources have been added to the outdoor classroom.

* Smaller tubes and connecting joints have been added to the large sand pit to allow the children to continue to explore the properties of dry sand.