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A Planned Environment: Professional Questions 6th December 2018

* As Advent continues will the Advent bags continue to encourage number recognition and subitising in the Nursery environment?

* Which groups of children work together in a collaborative way in the Atelier space?

* Now the children have experienced the Atelier space with Matt the artist will they use the found materials in outdoor classroom in a different way?

* Where is spontaneous mathematical enquiry occurring in the Nursery environment?

* Following the children’s interests in collaborative play can we provide larger 3D resources in the creative classroom to allow them to work together?

* If we introduce a real Christmas tree in the graphic classroom will the children be inspired to complete an observational drawing for their own Christmas card?

* Can the children notice and talk about the Christmas tree’s features?

* Are the children thinking of their own ideas in their play in the Nursery environment?

What’s new in Main Nursery from 29th November 2018

* A real Christmas tree will be introduced in the graphic classroom.

* Larger cardboard boxes will be introduced in the creative area for the children to work on with paints collaboratively.

* As Advent continues, Advent bags will continue to encourage number recognition and counting.

* A post box will be added to each colour group area to allow the children to post cards to each other.

A Planned Environment: Professional Questions 29th November 2018

* Will the introduction of the Advent bags support number recognition and any further mathematical enquiry?

* With Christmas festivities taking place in the local community and Christmas traditions starting at home, are the children talking about their experiences with adults and each other?

* How will children respond to the opportunity to work with paints on a three dimensional scale?

* What learning will this painting opportunity lead to?

* Are the children thinking of their own ideas in their play in the Nursery environment?

* Are children ‘noticing’ change in the weather on their way to school and in the outdoor environment?

* If we introduce another Traditional Tale, The Three Little Pigs, will the children be inspired to create their own structures and test their strength?

* Can the children make links with the Three Little Pigs story, thinking of ways to move and travel like the pigs and the wolf in music and movement with Lizzy?

* Following the children’s interest in writing letters, can we provide paper and a post box in the graphic classroom?

What’s new in Main Nursery from 29th November 2018.

* An assortment of seasonal books and stories will be provided for the children to read and share.

* As the build up to Christmas begins, the children will encouraged to talk about and share their experiences.

* Cardboard boxes of various sizes will be introduced in the creative area for the children to work on with paints in a three dimensional way.

* As Advent begins, Advent bags will be introduced to encourage number recognition and counting.

* Cards and a post box will be added to the graphic classroom following the children’s interest in writing letters and cards.

A Planned Environment: Professional Questions 22th November 2018

* Can the children revisit their Diwali dancing routines in the garden studio using the 4 beat pattern?

* If we make a gingerbread man to eat will the children notice and talk about the changes to the ingredients as they are mixed together and cooked?

* What threads of learning are the children exploring when using the found materials in the play dough?

* How will the children respond to the new atelier space in the garden studio?

* If we introduce found materials in the outdoor classroom, how will the children incorporate them into their play?

* Which children are able to retell the main parts of a story considering the beginning, middle and end of a story?

* Are the children noticing change in the outdoor classroom?

* What characteristics of effective learning are the children demonstrating in the Nursery environment?

* Can we build on the children’s interests in fixing and joining by introducing hole-punches and treasury tags in the graphic classroom?

A Planned Environment: Professional Questions 7th November 2018

* Will the children recreate their experiences of fireworks displays using paints and black paper on a larger scale collaborative piece of work in the creative classroom?* *Can the children recall their music and movement session based on fireworks and will they link movements they made with the movement when painting?

* How will the children respond to their first introductory Forest School session?* How will the children respond to their first Literacy session focusing on rhythm and rhyme?

* Now that we have introduced 2D shapes in our group time which children will notice these shapes in the Nursery environment?

* Using their photograph from home, can the children talk about their families at group time?

* What descriptive language will the children use when they are invited to complete a drawing of their family?

* If we introduce more tubes in the sand pit can we encourage more collaborative play?

* Following the children’s interests in musical instruments how will they use them if we place a selection in the outdoor classroom?

* Can the children retell the story of “the 3 Billy Goats Gruff” using the small world resources in the outdoor classroom?

A Planned Environment: Professional Questions 4th October 2018

* How will the children respond to being invited to their first adult focused activity; drawing their self-portrait?

* How can we continue to support children in building relationships with adults and peers?

* What are the children showing interest in as they explore the Nursery environment?

* Where in the environment are we noticing children counting and using number in their play?

* If we introduce tonal colours in the painting area can the children’s interest in colour mixing be explored further?

* In the outdoor classroom will the children continue to explore trajectory and movement?

A Planned Environment: Professional Questions From 2nd July 2018

  • Now that all children have explored the feeling fans will they be able to discuss how they feel about visiting their new schools?
  • Can we introduce more props to support the developing shop role-play in the outdoor classroom?
  • Can the children explore heavy and light and begin to use mathematical language when comparing different objects?
  • Can we introduce another sensory experience for the children to explore in the creative classroom?
  • How will the children respond if we investigate and experiment with bubbles and paint?

A Planned Environment: Professional Questions        From 14th June 2018

  • How will the introduction of our new water resources in the outdoor classroom extend the children’s interest in moving and transporting water?
  • Can we extend the children’s interest in mixing water and soil by providing soil and water in the tuff spot in the creative classroom?
  • Using mixed media how will the children embellish our collaborative piece of work in the creative classroom?
  • Will a provocation placed on our drawing table encourage more independent observational drawing and representation of numbers?
  • How can we support children in identifying their feelings and help them to manage their feelings in a positive way?





A Planned Environment: Professional Questions        From 7th June 2018

  • How will the children respond to the introduction of focused Rainbow groups in our afternoon sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays?
  • Can we introduce non-standard units of measurement in the Nursery environment to support children’s mathematical understanding?
  • If we move the dinosaurs to the outdoor classroom, can we extend the children’s interest in them?
  • How will the children use the large chalks to mark make in the outdoor classroom?
  • How will children respond to the introduction of a large-scale collaborative piece of work in the creative classroom?
  • How can we support children in identifying their feelings and help them to manage their feelings in a positive way?
  • Can we encourage children to take responsibility to use their workbooks independently in the graphic classroom?



A Planned Environment: Professional Questions        From 3rd May 2018

  • Which areas and resources are children accessing independently?
  • Where will children take the play in the Workshop role-play area?
  • If key workers move into different areas of Nursery will the children move around more freely?
  • How can we support children in recognising what they ‘can do’?
  • If we change the furniture to add different levels to the play-dough area, how will the children’s play develop?
  • How can we encourage children to play ‘together’ in the outdoor area and encourage the children to use their ‘imagination’?





A Planned Environment: Professional Questions From 22nd March 2018

  • How can we support children in identifying their feelings and help them to manage their feelings in a positive way?
  • If we provide longer strips of paper on the painting table will this encourage the children to use the watercolours to make marks in a different way?
  • Will the introduction of the play oven alongside the play dough encourage more role-play?
  • Will the introduction of turn-taking games in the graphic classroom encourage more cooperative play?
  • How will the children respond to the introduction of dry sand in the workshop classroom?
  • Can we encourage the children to explore caring and nurturing for our babies by providing bathing resources in the workshop classroom?
  • How will the children develop their gross motor skills when using our new high net in the outdoor classroom?