We’ve been listening

We’ve been listening to feedback from families who attend our Nurture Nursery (our two year olds) and from parents, who would like their children to attend but can’t make our current offer work alongside work and study commitments.

We’re now pleased to let you know that we’ve been able to change our offer so that all who want to attend can do so. Our new expanded offer will begin in January 2023 for our Nurture Nursery children.

This will change our usual 2.5 hour session into a 4 hour session that will run from 9am until 1pm.  Our intention is to allow some Parents who work part time or from home a longer block of time in which they know their 2 year old is in excellent early years provision.  The cost of these sessions will be £28.

We know high quality early educational experiences impact on children’s outcomes across their educational pathways, to University and beyond, so expanding our offer now seems essential

If this is successful, then we plan to offer a version of breakfast club for our 2 year olds in the summer term extending our offer from 8:30am until 1pm which again will hopefully allow more families to access our amazing Nurture Nursery.

If you’re interested in your child joining our Nursery School or would like to come and have a look round, then please ring 01926 853394 or email us on kenilworthnsoffice@welearn365.com