A Planned Environment: Professional Questions        From 3rd May 2018

  • Which areas and resources are children accessing independently?
  • Where will children take the play in the Workshop role-play area?
  • If key workers move into different areas of Nursery will the children move around more freely?
  • How can we support children in recognising what they ‘can do’?
  • If we change the furniture to add different levels to the play-dough area, how will the children’s play develop?
  • How can we encourage children to play ‘together’ in the outdoor area and encourage the children to use their ‘imagination’?





A Planned Environment: Professional Questions From 22nd March 2018

  • How can we support children in identifying their feelings and help them to manage their feelings in a positive way?
  • If we provide longer strips of paper on the painting table will this encourage the children to use the watercolours to make marks in a different way?
  • Will the introduction of the play oven alongside the play dough encourage more role-play?
  • Will the introduction of turn-taking games in the graphic classroom encourage more cooperative play?
  • How will the children respond to the introduction of dry sand in the workshop classroom?
  • Can we encourage the children to explore caring and nurturing for our babies by providing bathing resources in the workshop classroom?
  • How will the children develop their gross motor skills when using our new high net in the outdoor classroom?

A Planned Environment: Professional Questions        From 13th March 2018

  • How can we support children in identifying their feelings and help them to manage their feelings in a positive way?
  • How will the children respond to the introduction of the desktop computer in the graphic classroom?
  • Can the children follow instructions when taking part in our new group music and movement games?
  • If we provide more writing resources in the Vets Surgery will more children write for a purpose in their role-play?
  • Will the children develop their fine motor skills when using the duplo tulo tool kit for the first time?
  • If we add different resources to the cornflour in the workshop classroom, how will the children use them?


A Planned Environment: Professional Questions        From 8th March 2018


Now the children have experienced water colours, can they begin to use colours for a purpose to make representational paintings of the chicks?

With the introduction of some softer materials, will the children use their technology skills to develop ideas around ‘habitats’?

By changing the role-play to a Vets, will children have opportunity to further develop care and concern for living things?

What learning experiences will arise through the Living Eggs experience?

What mathematical thinking will arise from discussions around the eggs and chicks?

What questions will the children ask and what experiences will they share within their groups?

A Planned Environment: Professional Questions        Week beginning 5th March 2018

What learning experiences will arise through the Living Eggs experience?

What mathematical thinking will arise from discussions around the eggs and chicks?

What questions will the children ask and what experiences will they share within their groups?

How can the children use technology to record our experiences and the changes they notice with the eggs and chicks?

Can the children use the language of ‘first’, ‘next’ and ‘last’ to sequence simple events?

How will children use mark making to represents their observations of the Living Eggs?

How can we support children to develop a new technique for painting with watercolours?

With the introduction of some softer materials, will the children use their technology skills to develop ideas around ‘habitats’?

How can we support children in identifying their feelings and help them to manage their feelings in a positive way?

A Planned Environment: Professional Questions Week beginning 5th February 2018

  • How can we support children in identifying their feelings and helping them to manage their feelings in a positive way?
  • How can we inspire children with work at cushion time to further develop their work with the found materials?
  • How can we develop the children’s skills in joining different materials and using different techniques?
  • Using their experiences from storytelling in Literacy and group time, what ideas can the children share to map out a story with a simple beginning, middle and end?
  • How can we support children in their physical play in a positive way?
  • If we open the mud kitchen, what needs to be in place for the children to access it independently?



A Planned Environment: Professional Questions

  • How can we support our children in understanding the importance of tidying up and looking after our school environment and resources?
  • How can we encourage the children to ‘work together’ to tidy up at the end of each session?
  • How can we support children through different transition times e.g. getting ready for Forest School?
  • What ideas have the children got for developing the role-play area and what resources can we offer to support this?
  • Which children are ‘noticing’ change in the environment?
  • What resources can we provide to encourage children to begin making their own books for story-telling?

Which children are able to retell the main parts of a story considering the beginning, middle and end of the story?     

A Planned Environment: Professional Questions – 11th January 2018

  • How will the children respond to the new group of children starting in Main Nursery?
  • How can we encourage the children to share the rules and routines of Nursery with the Pink and Sky Blue groups?
  • How will children from the Pink and Sky Blue groups respond to exploring their new environment and resources?
  • Which children are ‘noticing’ change in the environment?
  • Can the children talk about their experiences of the ‘ice’ as they use their senses to explore?
  • What other opportunities can we provide for the children to further explore colouring mixing?
  • How will children respond to the introduction of a small group time ‘challenge’ when they join their colour group?
  • How can we encourage all children to begin to make marks to represent their name?
  • How will children respond to the introduction of ‘finger gym’?
  • How will children respond to the introduction of ‘Mud kitchen’?

A Planned Environment: Professional Questions 2017 – From 30th November 2017

  • How will children respond to the opportunity to work with paints on a three dimensional scale?
  • What learning will this painting opportunity lead to?
  • Which children are able to use scissors effectively for cutting and which children need support?
  • Are children ‘noticing’ changes in their environment?
  • Do children show an awareness of their own and others safety in the outdoor area?
  • With Christmas festivities taking place in the local community and Christmas traditions starting at home, are the children talking about their experiences with adults and each other?
  • Children are requesting to share stories with adults during the session – is there a pattern to the timings of this and which children are they?
  • With the introduction of colour group post boxes will the children be encouraged to write cards for each other?
  • Will the introduction of the Advent bags support number recognition and any further mathematical enquiry?
  • How will children respond to the change of size of blocks in the construction area?

A Planned Environment: Professional Questions

  • Which children are interested in the open-ended exploration with the materials provided at the light table?
  • Can we provide different opportunities for children to mix and change colours?
  • Children are requesting large wooden blocks, how will they use them in their learning?
  • Can we continue to encourage children to use phrase “I’ve got an idea, let’s test it” and apply it to learning opportunities in the Nursery School?
  • Children have been noticing the different sizes of leaves, can we challenge them to sort by size and to search for leaves that may be larger or smaller?
  • If we enlarge the space provided for duplo construction and add zoo animals will the interest and creative responses continue?
  • How will children respond to positional language listening activities using finger lights?